“Let Mercy Stand Above Law!”

“Let Mercy Stand Above Law!” The saying remains true: “When you point a finger at someone, three of the fingers point back at you!” Jesus was in the temple when “the teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery.” They knew the Law of Moses commanded for such a […]

“Let Us Be One Another’s Keeper!”

“Let Us Be One Another’s Keeper!” There is a popular unchristian expression which unfortunately has been endorsed by many christians that “salvation is personal.” It is true that we shall each give personal accounts before the Chief Judge, but while we are here we need each other to grow in the faith. My people say […]

“Thank The Lord For His Mercy And Unlimited Grace On You!”

“Thank The Lord For His Mercy And Unlimited Patience On You!” Nobody is going to hold our past against us if we have known the Lord and allow the Holy Spirit to possess us. But as it is, it is easier said than done. Paul writes about his life that he lived in constant thanks […]

“Cheer Up; God Is Your Defense Counsel!”

“Cheer Up; God Is Your Defense Counsel!” Luke 15 opens with tax collectors and “sinners” gathering round Jesus to hear him, and Pharisees and teachers of the law muttering that Jesus welcomes sinners and eats with them. Sinners who recognise and acknowledge their sins and repent are forgiven. Heaven rejoices over any repented soul. The […]

“God Loves You Always!”

“God Loves You Always!” We are somewhat over familiar with the story of the child who asked his father for his own share of the inheritance. We give him names for being a wastrel who recklessly squandered his share of the inheritance in loose living. Unfortunately this guy lives in all of us! The sum […]