“Come Near To Jesus Christ To Hear Him!”
“Come Near To Jesus Christ To Hear Him!” Today we have two categories of people who came to Jesus. Luke tells us “all the tax collectors and the sinners drew near to Him to hear Him.” Then we have the Pharisees and the scribes who “complained, saying, ‘This Man receives sinners and eats with them.’” […]
“…Be Of Good Cheer, Your Sins Are Forgiven You!”
“…Be Of Good Cheer, Your Sins Are Forgiven You!” Jesus said the above words to a cripple who was brought to him. Then “some scribes said within themselves, ‘This man blasphems!’” Oh yes, the critics are always around, saying within themselves, “This man blaphemes!” We may not be mind readers like Jesus to know their […]
“Jesus Wants To Be Your Guest Today, Welcome Him!”
“Jesus Christ Is Your Guest Today, Welcome Him!” The story of Zacchaeus is the story of the limitations of greatness, power, fame and wealth. St Augustine of Hippo, the great African bishop cum scholar and philosopher once put it very nicely that man’s soul was made for God and it remains restless until it finds […]
“God Loves You; Love Others In Return!”
“God Loves You; Love Others In Return!” Introducing my paper at the conference the other day I reminded participants that whoever is sick and goes to hospital is going for consultation and treatment. I also reminded them that every hospital has an “Emergency unit.” As soon as an emergency case presents itself, all attention to […]
“Be Anything And Win One Soul Today!”
“Be Anything And Win One Soul Today!” The other day one of the presenters reminded us of an Akan proverb which says, one can never be a king and thereafter become a slave. In other words, once you have climbed, you should remain up! How sad this kind of thinking! Today Paul is giving us […]