“Come And Drink Freely From The Fountain Of Life!”
“Come And Drink Freely From The Fountain Of Life!” An accident of history caused the Samaritans tovbecome religious outcasts to the rest of the Jews, who would not even take the short route to pass through Samaria from Judea to Galilee(cf. II Kgs 17). In today’s story Jesus left Judea for Galilee, “but he needed […]
“No Time For Excuses; The Time Is Now!”
“No Time For Excuses; The Time Is Now!” The song on my lips this morning is, “O what great invitation, that calls you to the feast. Each soul is now invited, the greatest and the least…” The favoured ones always take things for granted until they realise maybe too late that privileges donot become rights. […]
“Return To The Lord; He Still Loves You Freely!”
“Return To The Lord; He Still Loves You Freely!” When God called prophet Hosea, God asked him to dramatize his call by getting married to a prostitute. This was to demonstrate the degree of idolatory to which Israel had descended into. God was so displeased with the people such that he asked Hosea to name […]
“Look To The Lord And Be Saved!”
“Look To The Lord And Be Saved!” The first of July met me in the air between Addis Ababa and Nairobi. The beelike busy nature of Addis Ababa Bole International airport tells you how much hundreds of thousands of people are crisscrossing the globe on a daily basis and for various reasons. At Addis while […]
“Jesus Has Come For Me And You; Repent…!”
“Jesus Has Come For Me And You; Repent…!” The moment Jesus asked Levi to follow him, Levi abandoned his work and followed Jesus. Levi was a wealthy man, albeit through dishonest means. Tax collectors even today are extortionists who have no sympathy for those who are taxed. Levi gave Jesus a great feast in his […]