“Let God Alone Be Your Witness!”

“Let God Alone Be Your Witness!” There is no better way of rounding up the week’s teaching on being sent than by using Paul’s autobiographical message to the believers in Thessalonica. He writes: “You know, brothers, that our visit to you was not a failure. We had previously suffered and been insulted in Philippi…but with […]

“Lord, Thank You For Your Love!”

“Lord, Thank You For Your Love!” I saw this inscription on a bike: “If men were God it will not rain on some people’s gardens.” The heart of man is very unpredictable. Jonah shocks us by being angry at God’s compassion on Nineveh. Jonah would have been happy to see his words come true and […]

“Lord Show Us Your Compassion!”

“Lord Show Us Your Compassion!” Nineveh was the capital of Assyria which at the time was Israel’s deadly enemy. God sent Jonah to warn them against their evil ways. Upon hearing the words of Jonah, “the Ninevites believed God” and repented. “When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, […]

“Don’t Stop Praying, The Lord Is Always With You!”

“Don’t Stop Praying; The Lord Is Always With You!” Paul says we should pray without ceasing. Prayer is a complement to God’s planned action for our lives. At no time should you think that all is lost so there is no need praying again. As soon as Jonah was swallowed by the fish, he immediately […]

“Fear Not; God Has Appointed Your Saviour!”

“Fear Not, God Has Appointed Your Saviour!” Jonah knew he was the cause of the storm so he asked that they should throw him in the sea. The men did just that and immediately the sea became calm. The men recognised the awesomeness of the God of Jonah and they offered a sacrifice to him […]