“With God There Is No Hiding Place!”
“With God There Is No Hiding Place!” At an inter-religious gathering the other day I recalled that Archbishop Desmond Tutu said “God is not a Christian.” God cannot be the exclusive preserve of any religion. However, like one of my teachers once explained to us, a chosen religion in which God seeks to reconcile the […]
“Peace Be To This House!”
“Peace Be To This House!” The story of the sending out of the seventy two is very rich in content. For our edification today let us focus on these: “Whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace be to this house!’ Jesus also told them that in whichever town they have a warm reception, they should […]
“Rejoice In The Lord; You Have Been Sealed With The Holy Spirit!”
“Rejoice In The Lord; You Have Been Sealed With The Holy Spirit!” Judaism was an exclusive religion which was universalised by the coming of Christ. Unfortunately, most jewish converts into chritianity were still reasoning the new faith using the old categories of Judaism. It is normal that you cannot begin to take in new ideas […]
“You Are Blessed By The Holy Trinity!”
“You Are Blessed By The Holy Trinity!” The text for reflection today is one that most people are familiar with and use it quite so often. It is the last verse of the concluding chapter of Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians. “May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, […]
“Worship The Father In Spirit And Truth!”
“Worship The Father In Spirit And Truth!” Jesus discusses a profound theological teaching not in a seminary, a church, a temple or synagogue. Again this great theological discussion is neither with a great scholar nor a holy wo/man of God! It takes place at a well with a woman who had had five husbands and […]