“Holy Spirit, Speak Through Me!”

“Holy Spirit, Speak Through Me!” Jesus states clearly that to be for him is to face opposition from comfortable quarters. He says, “You must be on your guard. You will be handed over to the local councils and flogged in the synagogues. On account of me you will stand before governors and kings as witnesses […]

“Happy Pentecost Sunday!”

“Happy Pentecost Sunday!” Becoming a new creation in Christ is not about changing the container, it is about filling the container with new content. It is like putting new wine into old wineskins. Like we stated yesterday, the past is important to the present. The world being a global village is not just about being […]

“Stand On The Promises Of God!”

“”Stand On The Promises Of God!” My people say “you do not dig a new road without cutting across the old road.” The past is very important to any present. Whoever forgets the past suffers from amnesia. To ignore the lessons of the past is not only a betrayal of the legacy of the ancestors, […]

“Fear Not, The Lord Is Your Helper!”

“Fear Not, The Lord Is Your Helper!” When I opened my browsing phone yesterday evening after a meeting, I was confronted with floods of messages that caused me to feel so alone! I confided in a friend the other day that I do not even know again who to call friend and who to trust. […]

“God Has A Better Plan For You!”

“God Has A Better Plan For You!” A typical African prayer is “God, through our ancestors give us prosperity and give us offspring.” Prosperity without offspring to enjoy it is meaningless. The ancestors are remembered only through their bloodlines. God is not dealing with us in isolation of those before us and those after us. […]