“Lord Jesus Christ, Let Your Kingdom Reign Speak To My Favour!”
“Lord Jesus Christ, Let Your Kingdom Reign Speak To My Favour!” John was privileged to see in a vision that after Jesus had ascended into heaven, “He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence. He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all people’s, nations and men of every language worshipped […]
“Lord Jesus Christ, In Your Heavenly Kingdom Intercede For Me!”
“Lord Jesus Christ, In Your Heavenly Kingdom Intercede For Me!” The Jews as a chosen nation of God lived in a theocracy; that is a government where God is the ruler with a prophet or prophets as his go-between. Over time, they were influenced by the kingly rule of nations around them. During the time […]
“Happy Ascension Day!”
“Happy Ascension Day!” It is said a booming congregation split in two just because of a doctrinal argument relating to the Apostles Creed. The bone of contention was the phrase “…sitteth at the right hand of God…” Some people argued that Jesus cannot be sitting all the time without at least rising to stretch himself […]
“Keep A Moment Of Silence In The Presence Of The Lord!”
“Keep A Moment Of Silence In The Presence Of The Lord!” While in a group there are times when there is sudden abrupt momentary silence, no matter how rowdy the group may have been. In some African cultures it is believed that at such moments God is passing by. Habakkuk enjoin, “…the Lord is in […]
“Be Alert; Pray On All Occasions!”
“Be Alert; Pray On All Occasions!” When we translate “prayer” into any of our mother tongues and retranslate back into English what we have is “greeting God,” “calling God” or “talking to God.” That is why prayer is easily understood as “conversation with God.” Prayer is the backbone of the Christian life. Prayer is the […]