“Father, May Your Will Be Done!”
“Father, May Your Will Be Done!” As his days drew to an end, Jesus took his disciples to Gethsemane. He took Peter and two others farther along with him. He was “sorrowful and troubled.” He told them, “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.” […]
“Pray To Be Heard By God; Do Not Pray To Be Seen By Men!”
“Pray To Be Heard By God; Do Not Pray To Be Seen By Men!” Prayer is conversation with a superior authority. You talk less and listen more, and with keen attention because the wise speak in riddles. If you do not listen with keen attention you may not hear the answer given by the wise […]
“All Praise, Honour And Glory Belong To You Lord!”
“All Praise Honour And Glory Belong To You Lord!” While we have used the crow of the cock to determine time, it was surely not intended for that. In the same way the melody of the clockbird in the early morning is not to alert us that it is day break. Village lads like us […]
“Lord, Take Not Your Holy Spirit From Me…!”
“Lord Take Not Your Holy Spirit From Me…!” Our story today relates to what brought little David the shepherd boy to the palace and service of king Saul. The Spirit of God left Saul and he was tormented by an evil spirit. Realising this his servants asked for permission to seek for a musician who […]
“Be Blessed With Wisdom Through The Spirit!”
“Be Blessed With Wisdom Through The Spirit!” In 2004 the Very Rev. Dr. Festus A Asana delivered an academic discourse in the university of Buea during matriculation captioned “On the pursuit of genuine knowledge.” Among the things he said which caught my attention include, “reference to genuine knowledge could imply that there is knowledge that […]