“Be A Griot For God…!”

“Be A Griot For God…!” A Griot “is a member of a class of travelling poets, musicians, and storytellers who maintain a tradition of oral history in parts of West Africa.” Modern day griots have deviated from the above definition and have devoted their time to praise singing of the sacral ruler of their respective […]

“Lord Jesus Christ, Teach Me To Be Gentle And Humble Of Heart…!”

“Lord Jesus Christ, Teach Me To Be Gentle And Humble Of Heart…!” To know the extent to which people are weighed down by burdens of sorts just watch them sing, “Papa, put me down. Papa a dong tire; a dong carry some heavy cargo, Papa God O put me down.” This is not just about […]

“Pray For A Mind Which Sees The Duplicity Of Doubled-minded People!”

“Pray For A Mind Which Sees Through The Duplicity Of Doubled-minded People!” We all know what should be done to resolve the crises we are in, but we spend time in a charade of “play-acting” thus internationally providing decptive cosmetic solutions!” An important question addressing the relationship between church and state was put to Jesus, […]

“Lord, My Only Hope Is You!”

“Lord, My Only Hope Is You!” Jesus had just offered some hard teachings and “many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him.” He turned and asked the twelve, “You do not want to leave too, do you?” Simon Peter in his usual extrovert manner replied, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You […]

“God Has Overlooked Your Ignorance; But Now Amend Your Ways!”

“God Has Overlooked Your Ignorance; But Now Amend Your Ways!” Prof. John S. Mbiti, the renowned African theologian argues that the missionaries did not bring God to Africa. On the contrary it was God who brought them to Africa. Besides, Africa was not a blank slate on which everything written on it was new. God […]