“Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled; Trust In God!”
“Do Not let Your Hearts Be Troubled; Trust In God!” Everywhere you go you see young ladies wearing wedding rings. When asked where their husbands are they tell you they are abroad. The bushfaller man goes ahead and after he has prepared the place he comes home and get the spouse and children. The reverse […]
“Be An Example To The Flock Under Your Care!”
“Be An Example To The Flock Under Your Care!” Reorganization is going on in my church beginning at the grassroots with the election of elders and group leaders and this will continue to the election of the two top officers of the Church. The stories we hear about the intrigues and how by hook or […]
“Christ Is Your Example, Follow In His Steps!”
“Christ Is Your Example, Follow In His Steps!” Somebody told me the other day, “What stuff are you made of? I’m tired of the way some colleagues are mocking and outrightly insulting you.” My response was simple, “I’ve not seen the insults grow on my body, although one time I had to shed tears during […]
“When Jesus Speaks To You Don’t Argue, Simply Say, ‘Yes Lord!'”
“When Jesus Speaks To You Don’t Argue, Simply Say, ‘Yes Lord!’” When actions are intentionally diametrical to policies and well worded speeches, shame and disgrace become mild qualifiers how one feels. On the other hand, when policies and cajoling speeches are intentionally crafted as deceptions to intended actions, then frustration and disappointment become understatement to […]
“Listen To The Voice Of Jesus, Follow Him And Be Secured!”
“Listen To The Voice Of Jesus, Follow Him And Be Secured!” Before the destruction of Sodom, Abraham pleaded for the last time, “What if only ten can be found there?” And the Lord said, “For the sake of ten, I will not destroy it.”(Gen. 18:32). This story shows the depth of God’s love and compassion. […]