“Have Confidence In Jesus Christ The Good Shepherd…!”
“Have Confidence In Jesus Christ The Good Shepherd…! This week is no doubt about the shepherds and the sheep. God vents his frustrations on bad shepherds who feed fat on the flock but have failed to “strengthen the weak or healed the sick or bound up the injured,” neither have they “brought back the strays […]
“Through The Love Of God Our Saviour, All Will Be Well!”
“Through The Love Of God Our Saviour, All Will Be Well!” I still remember a cartoon on the front page of the Herald newspaper when a Prime Minister launched a fight against corruption. The cartoonist showed a big tree called corruption. There was a thick rope tied to it and the PM was pulling the […]
“Come To Jesus Christ And Enjoy Life In Its Fullness!”
“Come To Jesus Christ And Enjoy Life In Its Fullness!” While going to a distant congregation the pastor assigned a layman to preach at the parish seat congregation. When he returned many Christians complained that the layman’s sermon was the worst they had ever heard. After reflecting for a while, the pastor asked the complainants, […]
“It Is Well, God Will Wipe Away Your Tears!”
“It Is Well, God Will Wipe Away Your Tears!” A popular hymn goes, “We have another home in view… Our Saviour is gone to prepare us a place, we have another home in view…” (“Our Saviour” in the song is interchangeable with “Our mother, father, sister, brother, friend etc, as the case may be). The […]
“Cheer Up; The Lord Is Your Comfort!”
“Cheer Up; The Lord Is Your Comfort!” My people say “When a mother beats a child she sends the child under the bed; she does not send the child out of the house.” What this means is that since the beating is correctional, the child needs to be protected while s/he is crying. If you […]