“There Is Life Beyond The Horizon Of Death!”
“There Is Life Beyond The Horizon Of Death!” Your lifetime on earth is too brief, no matter how long you live! Life therefore is like chasing the wind for it fades away like the flowers of the morning. However, religions the world over believe that life does not end with physical existence. It is a […]
“God’s Grace Has Located You Also!”
“God’s Grace Has Located You Also!” Peter had a vision in which he was very hungry and he saw heaven open and all kinds of four-footed animals and reptiles and birds came down from earth to heaven. A voice told him to get up, kill and eat. Peter replied that the Lord knows that he […]
“Prepare Yourself For Times Of Refreshing From The Lord!”
“Prepare Yourself For Times Of Refreshing From The Lord!” Peter and John were going to the temple. At the temple gate was a man born crippled who was brought and placed there daily so he could beg for alms. When he begged from Peter and John. Peter told the man, “Silver or gold I do […]
“The Lord Has Heard Your Cry And Seen Your Tears!”
“The Lord Has Heard Your Cry And Seen Your Tears!” Hannah was barren for many years. She was mocked by her mate, scorned and derided by society. She became miserable and desperate. One time in the house of God she poured out her sorrows to the Lord. In tears she asked God for a son […]
“Jesus The Risen Lord Makes All Things Possible For You!”
“Jesus The Risen Lord Makes All Things Possible For You!” Soon after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, seven of the disciples went out in a boat to fish, “But that night they caught nothing.” In the morning Jesus stood by the shore, unrecognised by them. He called out to them, “Friends, haven’t you any fish?” […]