“Be Ready At All Times To Do God’s Will!”

“Be Ready At All Times To Do God’s Will!” Jesus Christ continues to be our example of sacrificial service and unconditional love. A model of obedience. With the challenge of death staring him in the face he was ready to do as it is written, “Behold, I have come to do your will, O God…”(Heb. […]

“Jesus Has Secured Your Eternal Inheritance!”

“Jesus Has Secured Your Eternal Inheritance!” We can’t rule out that blood is necessary for the taking away of sin. Sacrifice is offering to deity which involves blood (death). In our case Jesus has played that mediating role of a new covenant, “so that those who are called may receive the promised inheritance, since a […]

“No More Kontry Fashion; The Blood Of Jesus Is Enough For Me!”

” No More Kontry Fashion;” The Blood Of Jesus Is Enough For Me!” In some African villages domestic creatures like fowls, goats and sheep are reared for three reasons. The first reason is to use them for sacrifices. Such sacrifices include cleansing, purification, stalling off calamities. They are for appeasement, cajoling and for propitiation. The […]

“Any Human Set-up Is God’s Way To Set You Up!”

“Any Human Set-up Is God’s Way To Set You Up!” We have read how the death of Jesus was masterminded by the priestly core. If you had asked them, they would have told you they were defending their religion from the infiltration of an impostor! They were acted against the blasphemy of their God and […]

“God Is Watching Your Back!”

“God Is Watching Your Back!” The plot mounted by the chief priests and the pharisees to eliminate Jesus thickens. These were religious authorities who ought to have been appreciating what Jesus was doing. They acknowledged that Jesus “performs many signs,” which if allowed to continue, “everyone will believe in him, and the Romans will come […]