“May The Word Of Prophecy Come True In Your Life!”

“May The Word Of Prophecy Come True In Your Life!” Between today’s Bible reader and most of the biblical personae is simple dramatic irony. Most biblical characters were ignorant of what today’s readers know. When Jesus told the twelve what was going to happen to him in Jerusalem, Luke says, “But they understood none of […]

“Lord Jesus Christ Draw Me Closer To You!”

“Lord Jesus Christ Draw Me Closer To You!” It was the feast of Passover. Among those who were there for worship were some Greeks. These were the “God fearers ” who were interested in Judaism. When the message was conveyed to Jesus that those Greeks wanted to see him, he said among other things, “if […]

“You Have Been Saved By Grace Through Christ!”

“You Have Been Saved By Grace Through Christ!” Our faith is anchored on the fact that “grace stands above law.” To this end we as children of God are expected to tamper justice with mercy when dealing with others. If we emphasis on the law, then grace has no place and Christ died for nothing. […]

“Continue In Christ!”

“Continue In Christ!” The wisdom of the sages notes that “the fly that had no-one to advice it followed the corpse into the grave;” and that “the river meandered because it flowed alone.” This is to say we all need counsel, advice and reminders from others so that we do not go astray. In the […]

“Do Not Be Led Astray By Wrong Teaching!”

“Do Not Be Led Astray By Wrong Teaching!” Some of the hypocritical teachings and heresies going on in our time should not take us by surprise. It had long been predicted by the Spirit that “in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceitful spirits and things taught by demons…” That’s exactly what […]