“May God’s Word Be A Lamp To Your Feet…!”

“May God’s Word Be A Lamp To Your Feet…!” Jesus’ responses to Satan’s three temptations are from Deuteronomy. 1. “It is written, ‘Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God’”(Mt. 4:4 from Dt.8:3). 2. “It is also written, ‘Do not put the Lord your God […]

“Come To Jesus The Bread Of Life!”

“Come To Jesus The Bread Of Life!” We recall that when God appeared to Moses in the burning bush, he told Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” Tell them ‘I AM has sent me to you.’”(Ex. 3:13-14). The “I Am” became a sacred phrase attributed to God Alone! As contained in the gospel of John, […]

“Lord, Make My Love Increase And Overflow…!”

“Lord, Make My Love Increase And Overflow…!” Jesus Christ the perfect example of love says, “…If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing”(Jn. 15:5). This is to say all human effort to achieve anything in this world would come to nought […]

“Be Careful How You Use The Name Of Jesus!”

“Be Careful How You Use The Name Of Jesus!” Yesterday we read how Jesus told his disciples not to stop anyone who performed miracles in his name. That does rule out the fact that Jesus also said, “Not everybody who says, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven.” In Ephesus the seven sons of […]

“Do Not Stop Anyone Who Calls On The Name Jesus Christ!”

“Do Not Stop Anyone Who Calls On The Name Jesus Christ!” A great preacher of our time, the Very Rev. Dr. Nyansako-ni-Nku blends humour and satire in his messages. Preaching at a funeral service he told the story of a young priest who died and went to hell. While in hell he was surprised to […]