“Be Careful…!”

“Be Careful…!” The Pharisees were there again to test Jesus. “They asked him for a sign from heaven.” According to Mark, Jesus blatantly refused that “No sign will be given to it.” We do not need to wonder why they were always around Jesus if they doubted him. When they asked for a sign, they […]

“Open Your Heart To The Message Of Salvation!”

“Open Your Heart To The Message Of Salvation!” The threefold ministry of Jesus which he bequeathed to us is, preaching, teaching and healing. The world is full of ignorance that is why the teaching of heavenly truths is essential. Preaching follows in the same line. The world is in dire need of the enlightenment that […]

“Pray For A Closer Walk With The Lord!”

“Pray For A Closer Walk With The Lord!” The life of Jesus was a life of sorrow and pain. Yet he suffered in innocence. “He was pierced for our transgressions,…the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us […]

“Victory Is Ours; Satan Is Already Fallen!”

“Victory Is Ours; Satan Is Already Fallen!” The fact that majority carries the vote does not make it right. It is wrong to side with the wrong majority! When Jesus began his ministry, his family said, “He is out of his mind.” He was acting out of expected societal and religious norms. The teachers of […]

“It Is Fine To Be Zealous, Provided The Purpose Is Good!”

“It Is Fine To Be Zealous, Provided The Purpose Is Good!” You would always have people who come poisoning your mind against friends who were once close to you. They seek to destroy the reputation of people who at one time you could have died for them. And the worst part of it is when […]