“Listen To The Word That Saves!”

“Listen To The Word That Saves!” The “agents provocateurs” were there again to tease Jesus. They wanted to see a miraculous sign from him. He told them he had no miraculous sign than that of Jonah. “For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son […]

“The Lord Will Protect You…!”

“The Lord Will Protect You…!” The Jews would have had their way with Paul, but since he had Roman citizenship the commander knew it was his responsibility to protect Paul until he had a fair trial under Roman law. He prepared a mount to guide Paul so that he could defend himself before Governor Felix […]

“Your Life Is In God’s Hands!”

“Your Life Is In God’s Hands!” When in 1996 the typist finally finished typing the booklet that I published as, “The Revolution That Never Was,” she saved it in my memory stick as “Coup plot.” I was amused. That secretary is Rev. Tantoh Christie who at the time was my Christian in Nsimeyong and was […]

“In Your Distress The Lord Says, ‘Take Courage…!'”

“In Your Distress The Lord Says, ‘Take Courage…!’” For the sake of the faith Paul was arrested and brought before the Sanhedrin. During the postexilic times, the Sanhedrin was the supreme council and tribunal of the Jews. It was headed by a High Priest and had religious, civil, and criminal jurisdiction. Its membership was mostly […]

“Forgive Your Adversaries; They Are Merely Tools In God’s Hands!”

“Forgive Your Adversaries; They Are Merely Tools In God’s Hands!” It was a very emotional and tensed moment when Joseph revealed himself to his brothers who had sold him into slavery. Joseph wept so loudly that even “Pharaoh’s household heard about it.” On their part the brothers couldn’t answer him “because they were terrified at […]