“Avoid Discrimination And Gluttony!”(I Cor.11:17-22).
In the opening verse of this chapter Paul praises the Corinthians for remembering him in everything and for holding to the teachings, just as he passed it on to them. But coming to today’s text in reference to The Lord’s Supper, Paul wonders: “In the following directives I have no praise for you, for your meetings does more harm than good… I hear that when you come together as a church, there are divisions among you, and to some extent I believe it. No doubt there have to be differences among you to show which of you have God’s approval…”
Division apart, Paul was worried about their behaviours when they came together for the Lord’s Supper. The way they behaved did not reflect the Fellowship Meal that was supposed to be.
Those who came early just went ahead to eat and did not wait for anybody else. While some remained hungry, others got drunk; as if they did not have homes where they could eat and drink. This, in a way despised the Church of God and humiliated those who had nothing.
So saying, Paul continues, “What shall I say to you? Shall I praise you for this? Certainly not!”
As far as the majority of Churches are concerned this text is out of place, because today’s Lord’s Supper celebration is not real dinning and wining as it was then.
The Lord’s Supper celebration was a Love Meal and Fellowship Meal. The rich brought more of food and drink that was of high quality, while the poor brought less, surely of what was of cheap quality. The meal was to be eaten in fellowship, but it was profaned by gluttony and discrimination. The rich formed rich circles and the poor remained in their own lane. There was no real fellowship as the two groups did not mix together and those who came early did not wait for others.
Besides, the divisions among them was not reflective of the fellowship of believers who are one in Christ, partaking in the one body of Christ and drinking from the one cup.
We may not be having the kind of Lord’s Supper as in the Corinthian times, but there are occasions that bring us together in common fellowships. Our attitudes towards others on such occasions speaks volumes about us.
At parties some of us behave as if we’ve never seen food and drinks all our lives. The advice: “Take what your stomach is familiar with,” holds true for the choices we make of food and drinks at dinner parties.
Also, the quantity of food you put in your plate reveals the level of your gluttony!
My late father’s rule for ‘before leaving the house’: “Eat whatever your home provides so that an empty stomach would not push you to misbehave at public places!”
Gluttony and greed are among the seven deadly sins because a greedy and gluttonous person is not different from a murderer. Imagine wanting all the food for yourself when the person near you is almost collapsing from hunger! Do not be a glutton, and do not be greedy and selfish either!
Prayer: Holy Spirit help me to desist discrimination and gluttony. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.
“Let Your Eyes And Ears Testify To The God Of Salvation!”
Let Your Eyes And Ears Testify To The God Of Salvation!”(Jer.5:20-23).“Cogito ergo sum” – “I think, therefore I exist” was the basis of Descartes’ philosophy.