“Face Your Trials But Shun Temptations!”
“Face Your Trials But Shun Temptations!”(Jam.1:12-18).“Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of
“Face Your Trials But Shun Temptations!”(Jam.1:12-18).“Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of
“”Eschew The Boast Of Self-effort!”(Dt.8:11-18).“Be careful that you do not forget the Lord your God, failing to observe his commands, his laws and his decrees
“Satan’s Futile Strategy!”(Job 1:1-22).In this first Sunday in the season of Lent 2025, let us rehash this tragicomedy story of the biblical Job.Job as a
“Enjoy The Bridegroom!”(Luke 5:33-35).They said to him, “John’s disciples often fast and pray, and so do the disciples of the Pharisees, but yours go on
“Loving God!”(Zec.8:14-19).At Christmas, we say, “Christ is the reason for the season.” In the same way we can say of Lent that “sin is the
“A Fast Acceptable To The LORD!”(Is.58:1-9a).“God, where are you?” is a question we have heard and read so much concerning gruesome killings amidst kidnappings for
“Lenten Affirmation!”(Mt.6:16-21).Today marks the beginning of Lent season 2025. The day is called “Ash Wednesday,” as on this day, Christians receive Ash on their foreheads.
“Uncomfortable Christianity For Lent!”(II Cor.11:21b-29).Comfortable Christianity seems to be the commonly preferred perspective of modern-day Christianity. Maybe to call it modern-day is an overstatement. The
“A Suicide Mission For Our Sake!”(Mk.9:30-32).All beginnings have their endings. We know that each one of us will someday exit this world. We are mortals;
“Punishment With Love!”(Gen.3:17-24).Today is “Seed Blessing Sunday” in the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon (PCC). Seeds are brought for blessing because we have entered the planting
“The Active Word Of God!”(Heb.4:12-13).In a jubilant way, a young man told his friends how he had freed himself from all the “dos” and “do
“Pray For Messengers Of The Gospel!”(Rom.10:9-17).Yesterday, we mentioned that those who were engaged in commercial activities within the temple area were kind of depriving the
“Revive Us O Lord Jesus Christ!”(Mk.11:15-29).Each time we read the text, popularly captioned, “Cleansing of the temple,” we are tempted to quickly equate a church
“Thank God For Using The Person You Know Well!”(Mk.6:1-6).Jesus went to his hometown, and on the Sabbath, he began to teach in the synagogue, and
“No More Lip Service!”(Ez.33:30-33).“As for you, son of man, your people are talking together about you by the walls and at the doors of the
“A Choice To Obey God’s Word!”(Ex.7:1-13).“Then the LORD said to Moses, ‘See, I have made you like God to Pharaoh, and your brother Aaron will
“Receive God’s Word Now And Obey It!”(Am.8:11-12).The first resident missionaries in the Grassfield regions of Cameroon arrived in Bali on Sunday, 17th March 1903. The
“Fight The Snake Like An Eagle!”(Eph.6:10-17).Yesterday, I was officiating at the funeral of a buxom lady who passed on at the prime of her life.
“Cultivating A Christ-like Attitude!”(Phi.2:1-5).There is a common saying that “when the food is not well prepared, orphans will eat their fill.” What is implied is
“Commended For Approval By The Lord!”(II Cor.10:13-17).Among the wisdom sayings that I learned from the late Very Rev Nyansako-ni-Nku is, “A tree does not make
“God Of Good And Bad Times!”(Mal.3:13-4:2a).I opened my WhatsApp this morning only to see images of consuming fire and a voice recording of my Prebyterial
“Eschew The Entitlement Mentality!”(Lk.17:7-10).“Entitlement is “the belief that one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment.”This is what someone said of entitlement: “The entitlement
“The Low Seat!”(Prv.25:6-7).“Do not exalt yourself in the King’s presence, and do not claim a place among great men; it is better for him to
“The Right Boast!”(Jer.9:23-24).‘Thus says the Lord: “Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, let not the mighty man boast in his might, let
“Pay Attention To The Testimony Of The Glory Of Christ!”(II Pt.1:16-21).The importance of eyewitness to the Jews can no longer be gainsaid. At least two
“Glorious Bodies Await Us!”(Phi.3:20-4:1).“But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power
“Cherish This Moment…!”(Jn.7:32-36).The chief priests and pharisees sent temple guards to arrest Jesus because of the whisperings of the crowd. These enemies of the gospel
“The Glory Of The Father Through The Son!”(Jn.7:23-31).Jesus’ brothers tried to lure him to accompany them to the Festival of Tabernacles. He refused to join
“Radiance From The Place Of Innerstanding!”(Ex.34:28-35).Yesterday, we read how Moses wanted God to show his face to him. God did not show his face to
“Seeing The Face Of The LORD!”(Ex.33:17-23).As early as Exodus 3, the LORD God called Moses in the burning bush(3:1ff). From then on, the LORD used
“Called Up The Mountain!”(Ex 24:12-18).In today’s text the LORD asked Moses, “Come up to me on the mountain and stay here, and I will give
“A Powerful Prayer For Your Spiritual Armament!”(Eph.1:15-23).Dear friend, let us parody this Ephesian prayer for our spiritual armament:Dear LORD, God glorious Father, God of our
“Take Courage! It Is I! Do Not Be Afraid!”(Mt.14:22-33).The disciples enter a boat to cross to the other side. Jesus remains behind. He goes up
“No Other God But Yahweh!”(Dan.6:1-10).When Darius took over the kingdom of Babylon, he appointed 120 satraps(governors) “to rule throughout the kingdom, with three administrators over
Let Your Eyes And Ears Testify To The God Of Salvation!”(Jer.5:20-23).“Cogito ergo sum” – “I think, therefore I exist” was the basis of Descartes’ philosophy.
“Gladness And Joy Will Overtake Us!”(Is.51:9-16).The Babylonian captivity was a bitter and painful period for the children of Zion. By the rivers of Babylon, they
“The LORD’S Eternal Salvation!”(Is.51:4-6).We are still in the season of Christmas in which we continue to celebrate the salvation the LORD has wrought for us
“God Will Remember You!”(Gen.8:1-12).A mungaka idiom says in wonderment, “The baby of a crocodile has drowned!” It is indeed strange for the baby of a
“Miracles As Signs Representing Significance!”(Jn.20:30-31).In this post-ressurection pericope, John writes: :Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not
“Preach To Teach And Heal!”(Mt.4:23-25).“Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness
“Lord, If You Are Willing…!”(Mt.8:1-5).There is no fixed pattern to Jesus’ healing ministry. Yesterday, we saw how he healed an official’s son from a distance
“Healing From A Distance!”(Jn.4:43-54).Yesterday, I went to the District hospital for a medical checkup. A Christian came and met me there and asked me whether
“O LORD, Do Not Forsake Us!”(Jer.14:2-9).The OT prophets pointed out four main ways by which God brought calamity upon the people. These were drought, famine,
“Sweet Out Of Bitter!”(Ex.15:22-27).My teacher in Pastoralia often said there are some people who grumble over everything. Give a grumbler an elephant and he will
“A New Name From LORD!”(Is.62:1-5).We are often advised to be prudent in the way we intervene in marital conflicts. When a couple are having some
“We Are The Chosen!”(Lk.6:12-16).Today, we round up the week in which we have been reflecting on “the call.” Today’s text from the gospel, according to
“Follow Me II!(Mt.9:9-13).Today we are reflecting on the call of Matthew in the gospel according to Matthew. Matthew is sitting at the tax collector’s booth.
“Follow Me!”(Mt.4:18-22).We were on an interview panel. A common but tricky question which Rev Dr. I.S. Elangwe constantly asked the candidates was, “Who was the
“Here Am I. Send Me!”(Is.6:1-9a).This week’s reflections is on God’s call and man’s response. We have moved from Moses to Abram, to David and today
“The LORD Sees The Heart, Not Outward Appearance!”(I Sam.16:1-13).We continue reflecting on the various ways by which God selects his servants. There is no hard