“Be A part Of The Church In The Neighbourhood!”


“Be A Part Of The Church In The Neighbourhood!”
In 1999 I was the lone non-catholic in the midst of about a thousand Catholic delegates – including bishops, vicers, priests and laity – of the 7th Conference of the Bamenda Ecclesiatical Province(BEP). This conference took place in Sacred Heart College, Mankon. The BEP consists of the Archdioceses of Buea, Mamfe, Bamenda and Kumbu, and now Kumba.
I was there for one week as the representative of the Moderator of the PCC, the Very Rev Henry Awasum of blessed memory, and as authorised by the Synod Committee Executive. Thank God in those days the EXCO still wielded real power!
Why am I bringing this today? In that conference I was coopted into the inculturation committee and the knowledge I gained in that committee motivated me to be the African theology that I am today.
Today I bring to you one of the big lessons I learned during that one week conference. It is about “the church in the neighbourhood!” A christian does not join the church in the neighbourhood; s/he belongs to it! Once you are in a neighbourhood you belong to the church there.
These neighbourhood churches are the greatest arms of evangelization! They are not founded in church buildings. They are prayer groups in people’s homes! But their prayers are so powerful and they make things happen! Let us encourage these house church and the church in the neighbourhood! Without them, Christian expansion won’t be possible. Most of them eventually become prayer cells, then are given congregational status.
Thanks to the women whose stories are least told, but who promote the creation of the church in the neighbourhood. They operate these churches in their homes despite the challenges and opposition of male chauvinism!
After his miraculous release from prison, when Peter came to his senses, the first place he went was to one of those women founded church in the neighbourhood! “…he went to the house of Mary the mother of John…where many people had gathered and were praying.”(Acts 12:12-17). And their prayers caused his miraculous release from prison.
The legendary King Author asked the last of his knights, Sir Bedeviere, “What are men but sheep if knowing God they lift not their hearts to him in prayer? Many things are achieved through prayer. If for nothing else, pray for my soul!”
My friend, do not forget that you belong to the church in the neighbourhood. Make your presence felt in your neighbourhood. Join in the intercessory prayers and God in Christ will hear and answer us, and things will get better!
Weekend Prayer: Thank you Lord for answered prayers. Amen!
Have a blessed weekend! Peace be with you!



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