“Be Reminded Of God’s Supremacy III!”


“Be Reminded Of The Supremacy Of Christ III!”(Rom.1:18-25).
Before his final revelation through the incarnation, God did not leave himself without a witness anywhere in the world. For instance, Christian missionaries did not bring God to Africa. Rather, God brought them to Africa to help Africans to name Christ. Scriptures attest that “God did not leave himself without a witness.”
There is no loan word used for God in any African language. What missionaries did was that they often asked in whispers for the local name for God. When they were told, they stepped forward and declared that they had come to tell the people about God. In Rwanda for example, they asked the name of God and were told that God is “Immana.” The missionary then stepped forward and told the king, “We have come to talk to you about Immana.” The king replied, “If you want to talk about Immana, you can go somewhere else. We already know about him.”
When the Athenians thought Paul was bringing a new religion, Paul told them that he had seen one of their temples dedicated to an Unknown God. He told them the Unknown God was the God he had come to talk about. In every clime, there is a preparatory ground for the gospel. Indigenous prior-understanding of God is always that preparatory ground.
Without the Bible, almost all cultures of the world practised those of the Ten Commandments that deal with human relations.
Therefore, there is no excuse for godlessness and wickedness for those who suppress the truth. “What may be known about God is plain to them because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world, God’s invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made so that men are without excuse…”
Yes, there is no excuse for knowing God, yet not glorifying him as God.
God unleashes his anger against godlessness and wickedness; especially idolatry. Idolatry is the peak of human foolishness that is mistaken for wisdom. The reward is the growth of sin by geometric proportions – especially same sex relationships.
Bottom line: There is no excuse for doubting the Supremacy of Christ, God’s incarnation. Do not know the truth yet suppress it. Idolatry is foolishness considered to be wisdom, so be wise by glorifying God and giving him thanks. Do not exchange the truth of God for a lie. Do not worship and serve created things instead of the Creator.
Prayer: Holy Spirit reveal God’s presence that we should adore him. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.



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