“Be Wise; Always Share With Others!”


“Be Wise; Always Share With Others!”
I read somewhere that Margaret Thatcher’s wealth was estimated at $6.000.000 at the same time that Kamuzu Banda’s wealth was estimated at $320.000.000; fifty three times more than that of Thatcher. The author goes on to say at that time Banda’s wealth was nothing compared to that of Abacha.
He further tells how when another African president, Chiluba was put on trial it was discovered that in one shopping spree he bought 64 pairs of shoes, 206 designer suits, 185 shirts, 74 designer ties, 36 jackets and 157 trousers totalling $1.100.000. We may be quick to condemn this greed and covetousness, but are we any different at our own level?
A man said to Jesus, “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.” Jesus told the man he had not been appointed judge nor arbiter between the brothers.
What followed is a lesson to us as it was to the people then. Jesus told them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.”
Greed and covetousness causes one to want to grab everything for self. It is like the hunter who was carrying an elephant on his head, having other game in his bag, yet was fighting over a cricket with a group of villagers!
The moment you think you have gathered enough and that it is time to relax and enjoy life, that’s when God tells you, “You fool! This very night your life will be demanded of you…”
My friend, if there is anything you have to be greedy about, if there is anything you have to covet, and if you must hoard, then, “be rich toward God”(Lk.12:13-21). After all, what profit is there if you gain the whole world but forfeit your life?
Remember you brought nothing into the world and you will take nothing out of the world! Stop staining your name by gathering the worthless things of this world! Learn to share whatever you have rather than seeking to accumulate and hoard!
Prayer: Dear Lord, teach me to guard against all kinds of greed. Let me always share with others commensurate to what I have received from the Father. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!



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