“Be Your Brother’s Keeper!”


“Be Your Brother’s Keeper!”
Everybody in society cannot become wealthy at the same time. The poor will always be there and the rich will always be there. The fact that your fingers are not of the same length means everybody cannot be the same.
Those who are blessed with plenty are going to be judged by how they treated the poor around them.
At the gate of every rich man is a poor Lazarus “covered with sores and longing to eat what falls from the rich man’s table.”
We are going to be remembered for what we have done, but more than that, where and how we shall spend eternity is determined by what we do now!
Be mindful the way you treat others. In eternity you may find the poor enjoying heaven while you are languishing in hell.
When the prophets tell us to consider our ways we should take them seriously! Heaven is real! Hell too is real!
If you don’t listen to the messengers of God now, even if your dead ancestors were to come back to life and preach to you about their after-life experiences, you would still not be convinced(Lk.16:19-31).
If you are poor, don’t envy the rich, and if you are rich, help the poor! The poor will always be there. My people say the short bed in the farm was not because the farmer was lazy, neither was it because soil was finished! Somethings are just bound to be the way they are. Let us prepare ourselves for a place in God’s kingdom by being our brothers’ keepers here and now!
Prayer: Lord may you strengthen me to always be my brother’s keeper. Amen!
Have a blessed weekend! Peace be with you!



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