“Believe The Way Of Righteousness!”


“Believe The Way Of Righteousness!”(Mt.21:28-32).
“I tell you the truth, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the kingdom before you…”
The African sage says “the bucket becomes jealous when it sees the basket holding water.”
Only the self-righteous can arrogantly put a tag on some people to call them sinners. Grace is no longer grace if we stand on a high moral pedestal waving the wand of self-righteousness and waiving aside the message of grace – a call to repentance.
As believers, followers and disciples of Christ we set on, on the route of conversion on the day we first received Christ.
To some people that day comes before baptism, to others it comes at baptism and to the majority it comes after baptism.
Being on this route means conversion has a journey before getting to the destination where one has that fullness in Christ.
We have noticed how over the years and with the fullness of time teachers and preachers of the gospel end up challenging the convictions they used all their energy in propagating.
The Bible being the big forest that it is, we either enter into it to harvest the plant we have in mind, or we enter to roam around until we see the plant that attracts our fancy.
What is plain but which may not be obvious to each person is that all the flora in the forest is there to serve each person.
How different can our discipleship become if we all have the same understanding and interpretation of the scriptures!
While we are there being satisfied in our idiosyncratic convictions and ignoring the minute details that may be key, the people we call sinners accept Jesus as the Christ in whom they repent and believe.
You see dear friend, here is the simple question the Lord is posing to any of us today: You are one of two sons. Your father comes to you and say, “son go and do some work in the garden.” Are you going to say, “Yes, Dad, straightaway,” but fail to do the work, or are you that son who says, “No Dad, I’m not doing any work,” but go and do the work?
Remember that the father’s joy is to see that the work is done; it is not about the civility to demonstrate in his presence!
Great surprises that will shock many await us on that day. In other to be sure, do what the father says you should do; that is what he wants.
Prayer: Holy Spirit guide my steps away from self-deception and lead me on the path of repentance where grace resides. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.



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