“Blessed Are Those Who Are Invited To The Wedding Supper Of The Lamb!”


“Blessed Are Those Who Are Invited To The Wedding Supper Of The Lamb!”(Rev.19:6-10).
My parents never provided much for us, in comparison to what other parents provided their children. But even today, I know my parents provided us the best that was within their capabilities. Parents are diamonds. They give us the best at the expense of their comfort.
Unfortunately, we most often do not see the sacrifices that they make. And since we do not see it, we do not appreciate their efforts.
The proverbial “prodigal son” is not just a character in a parable told by Jesus; he is in many of us, and his father is in our parents.
The sacrificial love of parents for their children is a mere imitation of God’s sacrificial love for us. God loved us from when we were still children. But the more he called, the more we drifted away from him. We prefer to pay allegiance to the Baals, notwithstanding that God taught us to walk and he is our healer too(Ho.11:1-4).
The more we move away from his presence, the more we become deeply hurt. Yet, being the compassionate Father that he is, he is expectant that like the prodigal son, when we come to our senses and take the bold decision to return home(repent), he is ready to put on us the best robe, a ring on our finger and sandals under on our feet(Lk.15:22-
When we return to our God, he kills the fattened calf and calls a feast where he expresses his joy and declares that we were lost, but now we have been found(Lk.15:11-23).
God loves us with an everlasting love. His great invite comes out to us from wherever we have strayed to. If we fail to respond to the invite, he will stretch out his invitation to those who least considered themselves worthy(Lk.14:15-24).
Through Christ and for Christ, a heavenly banquet is ready. Count yourself blessed for having a VIP invite card; for “Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!”
Sunday prayer: Holy Spirit inspire me for righteous acts that qualify me for the LORD’S invite to the wedding Supper of the Lamb. Amen!
Have a blessed Sunday! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.



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