“Seeing The Father In The Son!”
“Seeing The Father In The Son!”(Jn.12:44-50).A young preacher was delivering a sermon. He noticed that an elderly woman who was sitting on a front pew was looking at him intently; sometimes shedding tears. The young preacher thought maybe the sermon made a positive impact on the lady. After service, the preacher cornered the lady to […]
“Follow Christ The Light And Have The Light Of Life!”
“Follow Christ the Light And Have The Light Of Life!”(Jn.8:12-20).The lizard, after jumping down from a high place, looked around, and there was nobody to say, “Well done.” The lizard nodded its head in seld-praise.Human beings are not quite different from the lizard. Boasting about our achievements is the lizard kind of self-praise.The Jews had […]
“Love Truth And Peace!”
“Love Truth And Peace!”(Zec.8:18-23).We have already started counting the days of the new year. The body of Christ may have joined in the celebration of another secular new year; but in the midst of it all, the body of Christ is still following the seasons of the Church. And we are in the season of […]
“Happy New Year 2025!”
“Happy New Year 2025!”(Is.51:1-3).The other day, when I apologised for using the wrong date, a friend suggested that I write something on “What is in a date?”Indeed, what is in a date? Today, we are celebrating 1st January 2025. The “year thing” is based on the Gregorian calendar.In 1582, Pope Gregory XIII introduced what is […]
“Another Year Of Grace!”
“Another Year Of Grace!”(Lk.13:6-9)[31/12/2024].“Then he told this parable: ‘A man had a fig tree growing in his vineyard, and he went to look for fruit on it but did not find any. So he said to the man who took care of the vineyard, “For three years now I’ve been coming to look for fruit […]