“Lord, If You Are Willing…!”

“Lord, If You Are Willing…!”(Mt.8:1-5).There is no fixed pattern to Jesus’ healing ministry. Yesterday, we saw how he healed an official’s son from a distance without setting eyes on the patient. Today, the scenario is different.According to Matthew, Jesus has just come down from the mountainside after he has finished delivering the Sermon on the […]

“Healing From A Distance!”

“Healing From A Distance!”(Jn.4:43-54).Yesterday, I went to the District hospital for a medical checkup. A Christian came and met me there and asked me whether pastors are also sick?I didn’t want to remind him of the presence of Church hospitals and medical facilities scattered all over the world. Maybe his line of reasoning is prompted […]

“O LORD, Do Not Forsake Us!”

“O LORD, Do Not Forsake Us!”(Jer.14:2-9).The OT prophets pointed out four main ways by which God brought calamity upon the people. These were drought, famine, sword, and pestilence.When there is drought, it is likely followed by famine. The sword is a symbol of war, and pestilence is plague sometimes caused by creatures like locusts, etc.When […]

“Sweet Out Of Bitter!”

“Sweet Out Of Bitter!”(Ex.15:22-27).My teacher in Pastoralia often said there are some people who grumble over everything. Give a grumbler an elephant and he will grumble that the elephant is too big. Give him a squirrel and he will grumble that a squirrel is too small. A grumbler hardly appreciates the good in anything.The exodus […]

“A New Name From The LORD!”

“A New Name From LORD!”(Is.62:1-5).We are often advised to be prudent in the way we intervene in marital conflicts. When a couple are having some crises, especially when they separate, do not quickly take sides in supporting and telling one of them, “I knew that woman was not fit for you,” or, “I was just […]