“We Are The Chosen!”

“We Are The Chosen!”(Lk.6:12-16).Today, we round up the week in which we have been reflecting on “the call.” Today’s text from the gospel, according to Luke, is the choosing of the Twelve whom Jesus designated disciples.Before the call and choice, Jesus went up a mountainside “and spent the night praying to God. When morning came, […]

“Follow Me II!

“Follow Me II!(Mt.9:9-13).Today we are reflecting on the call of Matthew in the gospel according to Matthew. Matthew is sitting at the tax collector’s booth. Jesus tells him, “Follow me.” Matthew gets up and follows him. Jesus is having dinner at Matthew’s house, many tax collectors and “sinners” come and eat with him and his […]

“Follow Me!”

“Follow Me!”(Mt.4:18-22).We were on an interview panel. A common but tricky question which Rev Dr. I.S. Elangwe constantly asked the candidates was, “Who was the father of the sons of Zebedee?” Out of the twenty-two candidates only three got it right. Maybe you are still trying to figure it out but yet not getting it […]

“Here Am I. Send me!”

“Here Am I. Send Me!”(Is.6:1-9a).This week’s reflections is on God’s call and man’s response. We have moved from Moses to Abram, to David and today is Isaiah.Today we are reflecting on the call of prophet Isaiah. Isaiah saw “the Holy One of Israel” in a vision “seated on a throne, high and exalted, and the […]

“The LORD Sees The Heart, Not Outward Appearance!”

“The LORD Sees The Heart, Not Outward Appearance!”(I Sam.16:1-13).We continue reflecting on the various ways by which God selects his servants. There is no hard and fast rule by which God makes his choices. Sometimes we do not have any say in the drama surrounding our being chosen. Sometimes the task is quite risky for […]