“The Baptism Of Jesus: What Lesson For Us?”
“The Baptism Of Jesus: What Lesson For Us?”(Mk.1:9-11).Social ladder is defined as the hierarchical structure of a society. Synonyms of social ladder include “chain of command, class structure, corporate ladder dominance… position ranking scale, social hierarchy, social pyramid, social stratification,” etc.What happens in this hierarchical structure is that the rung of the social ladder that […]
“Prepare Your Soul For The Lord!”
“Prepare Your Soul For The Lord!”(Mk.1:1-8).Mark opens “the beginning of the gospel about Jesus Christ, the Son of God” with the fulfilment of an Old Testament prophecy.It is written in Isaiah the prophet: “I will send my messengers ahead of you, who will prepare your way – a voice of one calling in the desert, […]
“Jesus Christ, The LORD’S Servant!”
“Jesus Christ, The LORD’S Servant!”(Is.49:1-6).Some Africans often find succour in blaming the colonialist and missionary enterprises for destroying African culture and religion. However, the fact remains that Europe also had their traditional religions. Once they embraced Christianity, they quickly inculturated it to the point that what passes for Christian practices are old practices filled with […]
“Life In The Son Of God!”
“Life In The Son Of God!”(1 Jn.5:11-13).We do not want to explain certain details here or now concerning esoteric fraternities and cults.If you are discerning, you may have noticed a trend that in some denominations clergy of certain tribal origins and those with close affinities to them all rise to juicy placements – whether they […]
“The Truth That Sets Free!”
“The Truth That Sets Free!”(Jn.8:31-36).A young man, with glee, once told his friends that he was now finally free of the condemnation of sin as found in the Bible. When asked how he mastered this, he told them:“I have stopped reading the Bible.”If it is true that ignorance is no excuse before the law, it […]