“The Dead Shall Arise!”

“The Dead Shall Arise!”(Mt.5:25-29)[29/11/24].Cattle keeping is the lifewire of the people of Southern Africa. In 1855 or thereabouts, a prophetess named Nongqawuse arose and asked the Xhosans of South Africa to kill all their cattle. According to her prophecy, the cattle were to be resurrected to make cattle owners wealthier than before.Following this cattle-killing prophecy, […]

“Christ The Life Giver!”

“Christ The Life Giver!”(Jn.5:19-24)[28/11/24].I am reminded this morning of Gulliver’s travels; particularly his journey to Liliput. Johnathan Swift makes a satire on the stupidity of so-called wise people. The Lilliputians crack their eggs at the smallest end, whole the Blefuscudians crack theirs at the larger end. This became a cause of tension that led to […]

“Knowing The Scriptures And The Power Of God!”

“Knowing The Scriptures And The Power Of God!”(Mt.22:23-33)[27/11/24].When I was a teenager there was a man at Njenka called Korokoro. He used to move up and down the street acting like a fool. The story that circulated about him was that he was a Bamoum. They said he was the fiftieth in line of those […]

“Eternity In Our Hearts!”

“Eternity In Our Hearts!”(Eccl.3:1-14)[25/11/24].“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot…What does the worker gain from his toil? I have seen the burden God has laid on men. He has […]

“Washed In The Blood Of The Lamb!”

“Washed In The Blood Of The Lamb!”(Rev.7:9-17)[24/11/24].What distinguishes people on tribal and ethnic lines is language. Here is where what happened at Babel is the source of tribal and ethnic tensions based on linguistic differences. From Babel thereon humans have taken the division of Babel to become a means of promoting tribal and ethnic interests. […]