“Come And Drink Freely From The Fountain Of Life!”


“Come And Drink Freely From The Fountain Of Life!”
An accident of history caused the Samaritans tovbecome religious outcasts to the rest of the Jews, who would not even take the short route to pass through Samaria from Judea to Galilee(cf. II Kgs 17).
In today’s story Jesus left Judea for Galilee, “but he needed to go through Samaria.” Alone and without his disciples, he sat by a well in need of a refreshing drink. Here he got into a serious theological discussion with a Samaritan woman. (Matured men and women who grew up in the villages know that the well, spring, fountain and streams are where most love encounters started).
Besides, Jesus knew fully well that the woman was some kind of flirt. He knew she had had five husbands and was presently living in a “come we stay” relationship! Truly Jesus says, “I will not cast out anyone who comes to me.”
Jesus opened up the discussion by begging for a drink. The woman could deduce from his attire that he was a Jew of pure blood who ought not to beg water from a Samaritan.
They discussed at cross-purposes, for while Jesus was using the physical to demonstrate the spiritual, the woman was limited to the physical! Even today we come to Jesus limiting our scope by requesting material rather than spiritual blessings.
Jesus breached so many protocols which enhanced the religion of inclusion and exclusion. Jesus is for all nations, races, and all classes and genders. Above all, he is a Christ of continuity. Both Jews and Samaritans have full rights to the well of Jacob.
Jesus uses the physical to open our eyes to see in him the spiritual and ask for it. Even today and now Jesus is making the offer: “…whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. ..the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life”(Jn.14:4-14).
Yes my friend, “the fountain of life is flowing everywhere, whosoever drink, shall never ever thirst again…”(Voice of the Cross).
Prayer: Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for providing me with the refreshing fountain that internally flows to eternity. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!



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