“Confess And The LORD Will Take Away Your Sin!”


“Confess And The LORD Will Take Away Your Sin!”(II Sam.12:1-10&13-15a).
Messengers of the gospel are saddled with risky tasks. They are sent to confront directly the high and mighty and tell them to their faces what they have done wrong that raises the anger of the LORD against them – and sometimes against all the people they rule over.
Being aware of the risk involved, the messengers have to be tactful and diplomatic in the way they confront royalty. In the words of the Master, the messengers should be as shrewd as snakes and innocent like doves because they are like sheep among wolves(Mt.10:16).
Messengers of the gospel must not necessarily be saints before they are sent. They are humans and vulnerable to all human weaknesses – just like the rest of us – but when the LORD appoints, he purifies before he anoints. This is seen in the likes of Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah, etc al.
I must confess that the frustrated masses are right in condemning us the messengers of today for condoning and even encouraging the incontinence of our leaders; and sometimes either collaborating with them or encouraging them to act like the Davids who kill the Uriahs to take their lone wives – even when God has given them enough and is ready to give more if what they have is not enough!
The messengers are called upon to assume their full responsibility of being God’s mouthpiece; “no matter whose ox is gored!” However,the core message here is that God’s abounding grace is readily available to all who hear the rebuke of the messengers and repent of their sins!
This is so because when prophet Nathan told king David, “You are the man!”, and explained to David the gravity of his sin, David said to Nathan,“I have sinned against the LORD.” Immediately he said this, Nathan said,“The LORD has taken away your sin…”
No man is too big and powerful that he stands beyond reproach such that when confronted with his sins he cannot say,“I have sinned against the LORD.”
My friend, the question, “What have I done wrong?”, may maintain your pride but does not save you. The needful is to accept that you succumbed to your weakness. The LORD will take away your sin.
We are all like David, condemning the worst in others; until the messenger tells us pointedly, “You are the man!…” Therefore, repent and benefit from God’s abounding and amazing grace!
Prayer: Dear LORD, I confess that I have sinned against you and my fellow humans in thought, word and deed; forgive me. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.



“Eschew The Entitlement Mentality!”

“Eschew The Entitlement Mentality!”(Lk.17:7-10).“Entitlement is “the belief that one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment.”This is what someone said of entitlement: “The entitlement

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