“Deciding And Acting In Justice And Righteousness!”


“Deciding And Acting In Justice And Righteousness!”(Is.5:1-7).
There’s this Nigerian comedian who says Jonah is the most heady person who has ever lived on Earth. He says Jonah was very daring to disobey God when God asked him to go to Nineveh. The joke provokes laughter in people, but there is no iota of truth in the joke! Beginning from Adam and Eve down to our generation both in Scripture and out of Scripture, more than half the world’s population are people who disobey God.
The reason for the incarnation was/is because whatever God says, “Do not…” is what the majority delights in doing; and what he says, “Do…” is what the majority delights in not doing!
We are the vineyard of the LORD and the garden of his delight. Despite all the tending, nurturing and securing of the vineyard, “then he looked for a crop of good grapes, but it yielded only bad fruit.”
God looks for justice but sees bloodshed; he looks for righteousness, but hears cries of distress.
Dear friend, let us take one thing to do at a time: today let us decide and work on justice and righteousness. As you step out, and as you are about to take that decision or carry out that action, ask yourself whether it is just and right? If it is not just, and if it is not right, then do not decide and do not act on it! Let there be no bloodshed and let no cry of distress go out to God because of your decision or action!
Prayer: Holy Spirit help me to decide and act in justice and righteousness. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.



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