“Destroy The Evil Temple In You So That Christ Can Rebuild You!”


“Destroy The Evil Temple In You So That Christ Can Rebuild You!”
The church of today has degenerated to that kind of temple courts where business overcrowded spiritual concerns! Jesus had to take the risk to cleanse the temple by initiating a drastic spiritual reform equal only to that which king Josiah initiated in the days of old.
With an imperative Jesus told those who sold doves, “Get these out of here! Stop turning my Father’s house into a market!”
When king Josiah, king of Judah was 16 years old, the “Book of the Law” was discovered. When the king read it, he tore his robes and embarked on a reform to rid the land of the idolatory which had engulfed it. It is not about age. He was just eight years when he became king.(II Kgs. 22:1-23:25).
When Jesus cleansed the temple courts that is when it dawned on the disciples that the psalmist said, “Zeal for your house will comsume me”(69:9).
To be consumed with zeal for God’s house is to be ready to sacrifice. Josiah died young. Jesus died young! When Jesus was asked to show a sign that proved his authority, he simply told them, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.”(Jn.2:13-22). In their naive minds they thought he was talking of the man-made temple edifice. They told him it took forty-six years to put up the temple. So what?
Nothing lasts forever, except the word of God! Where are the great civilisations of old! Gone like a puff of wind!
Even in this generation, there is always a percentage that is calculated for depreciation. The longer a building lasts, the cheaper it becomes until it depreciates to no cost at all!
The temple of the Lord is the human person! That is why it is important to build the human person spiritually in the fear of the Lord!
Paul says those things of the past “were written down as warnings for us…So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!…”(I Cor.10:1-13).
My friend, destroy the evil temple in you so that Christ can rebuild you! By extension, the church will be reformed, the nation shall find justice and peace shall reign!
Prayer: Heavenly Father transform me in my innerbeing so that zeal for your house will consume me towards positive action. Amen!
Have a happy and blessed Sunday! Peace be with you!



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