“Do Not Allow Your Wealth To Seperate You From Loved Ones!”


“Do Not Allow Your Wealth To Seperate You From Loved Ones!”
A female group in my village sings that “If I have to choose between a house full of money and humans, I will choose humans for humanbeings are surpassing wealth!”
Majority of strained relationships and conflicts stem from vested interest and the acquisition of wealth. Unfortunately our perspectives are often so warped up that we fallaciously assume that happiness and tranquility can be acquired through wealth, fame, power and authority. That is why we have the tendency to “want more,” which unfortunately is often the source of many family conflicts. One can possess all these but still remains empty! We need God more than wealth.
Wealth may seperate us from loved ones either physically or psychologically. We may tend to become arrogant, proud and insensitive to the plight of others. The late Dr Moses Fokong sang that “God gives to those who would take care of others.”
Genesis informs us that it was excessive wealth which generated quarrelings and bickerings between Abram and his nephew Lot. It was the increase in the wealth of these two that the land could no longer support them to stay together anymore. As a result quarreling arose between their herdsmen.
Watch how you multiply and increase your wealth. It may just become the very reason why living together as a family or kindred or friends becomes a problem! We need God more than wealth. Abram knew this, reason why when he arrived the place where the quareling started, the first thing he did was to “call on the name of the Lord.”(Gen.13:1-7).
Prayer: Lord, let me seek first your kingdom so that all other things may become mine. Do not allow earthly possessions to seperate me from others and from your presence. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!



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