“Do Not Reject The Call Of Wisdom!”


“Do Not Reject The Call Of Wisdom!”
Old Testament wisdom has been described by Wheeler Robinson as “the discipline whereby was taught the application of prophetic truth to the individual life in the light of experience.”
The book of Proverbs is a book of discipline, touching on every department of life and showing God’s direct interest in it.
In Proverbs “Wisdom calls aloud in the street, she raises her voice in the public squares; at the head of the noisy streets she cries out…”
Wisdom pours out her heart on – and make known her thoughts to – those who respond to her rebukes. The person who rejects this is frankly a fool. Wisdom has to dominate a person’s whole life, including devotion, attitude towards his family, business methods etc.
Responding to the call of wisdom is a response to God’s call. Rejecting that call is an invitation for dissaster and calamity. At such times you will call to wisdom and there will be no response, you will look for her but won’t find her(Prv.1:20-28).
My friend, “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” With all the woes and troubles that assail us, is it because we have not wholeheartedly embraced the call of wisdom?
It is time we forget ceremonial faith performance and allow the wisdom of God to fully dominate our lives and take away strive, bitterness and hate. Only then can God through the Holy Spirit heal our hurts and mend our broken hearts so that we can worship God in truth! Desmond Tutu says, “there is no future without forgivness.” He emphasised on this after chairing the “Truth and Reconciliation Commission.” “Frank talk” amongst brethren is a response to the call of wisdom. It paves the way for reconciliation and genuine forgiveness for a future healthy co-existence!
Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, inspire me through the Holy Spirit to turn away from sin and be responsive to the call of wisdom in thought, word and deed. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!



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