“Don’t Cry, The Lord Has Come To Help You!”


“Don’t Cry, The Lord Has Come To Help You!”
Our story today centres on Jesus raising the son of a widow. While it is an important miracle that keeps us spellbound, my focus is not on the miracle. Everybody whom Jesus raised from the dead was temporary because they still died. He himself died.
The shortest verse in the Bible is “Jesus wept.”(Jn.11:35), and that was at the tomb of Lazarus. But the shortest word of Jesus is, “Don’t cry.” These words were words of comfort to the widow whose son had died and they were taking him for burial.
“When the Lord saw her, his heart went out to her and he said, ‘Don’t cry.'”
My friend, Jesus Christ is your comfort in your times of greatest need. Life may seem rough and things may really get awry. You may have lost dear ones, especially during this crisis when human life has become so cheap that soldiers are just gunning down innocent souls without compunction. In the midst of your sorrow Jesus is a very present help whispering these sweet words of comfort: “Don’t cry!”
The prophetic words of the people when Jesus raised the boy from the dead remains true even today for you and I. “God has come to help his people”(Lk.7:11-17).
No matter how bad the situation is; no matter how hopeless it may seem, “Don’t cry”; because God is there to help you!
Never loss hope, believe in Jesus Christ and believe in the Father who sent him. God remains your present help in your times of greatest need!
Prayer: Thank you Jesus Christ for being a very present help in my times of greatest need. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!



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