“Fair Weather Friends!”


“Fair Weather Friends!”(Mk.14:27-52).
The Passion story continues with Jesus predicting his death and saying how the apostles will all fall away in fulfilment of the scriptures, “I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered.”
Peter said, even if all fell away, he will not. “And all the others said the same.”
At Gethsemane Jesus was troubled in spirit. He was overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death.
The trusted inner circle of friends could not even join him in prayer. Instead they fell asleep.
Surprised that they could not keep watch for one hour, he told them, “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation…”
Judas led the people who came with weapons to arrest Jesus. Judas kissed Jesus as a prearranged sign for the arresters to know who they had to arrest.
When Jesus was arrested “everyone deserted him and fled.”
Today’s passage is an inclusio, as the passage ends with how it opens. The passage opens with Jesus saying, “You will all fall away, for it is written: ‘I will strike the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered.'” And the passage ends with, “then everyone deserted him and fled.”
Within the inclusio are the little actions of fair weather friends, but also revealing of the survival instincts inherent in human beings as well as other creatures.
When the going is good, you will be surrounded by “fair weather friends.”
They will tell you Peter-like how they can die for you. Then there are those who are there just looking for an opportunity of bringing you down. These Judases are ready to sell you to the enemy. They will kiss you in public, but it is never for love. Such Judas kiss means, “The one I kiss is the man; arrest him and lead him away under guard.”
Even the three trusted friends of the innermost circle preferred to enjoy their sleep instead of staying awake for just one hour so as to assist the anguished Jesus with prayer!
My friend, in this world the time comes when you are on your own! After all, your death is personal!
Forget about the crowd that is always by you and with you when the going is good for you. They won’t be there when hard times strike.
Brace yourself at all times to face your reality!
That notwithstanding, Passion week opened on Sunday with Paul reminding us, “Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus”(Phi.2:5).
Jesus was surprised that his trusted friends could not forego one hour of their sleep to accompany him with their prayers. But he still left them with words that will guide them in life. “…Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.”
Things often happen to us the way God has planned; we should not blame our friends when they abandon us. Rather we should encourage them to watch and pray.
Meanwhile the words of Jesus is to all of us: “Watch and pray so that you do not fall into temptation.” There are many times when “the spirit is willing but the body is weak.”
Passion prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, help us to overcome the weaknesses of the body and follow the spirit. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.



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