“Fix Your Eyes On Jesus…!”
Life’s journey has many distractions. If you do not focus on your goal you may mistake resting points for ending points. My people say when you pick a shell of colanuts you should look up to see if there is a colanut tree. Your confidence in eating the cola should be when you see a colanut tree where you saw the colanut shell. If there is no tree, know that it is a trap.
On the spiritual side by looking up, you look beyond the tree to thank God who makes all things possible. So while we may set goals and strive to achieve them, they may just be traps diverting our attention from our spiritual goals.
The main goal in life is to make heaven. Take it or leave it, the things of God are real! At the funeral of our colleague in Azire, Bamenda yesterday a senior pastor told us that the military burned a manse in Bui. Everything belonging to the pastor and his family was razed to ashes, but the Holy Bible and the Qur’an that were in the house were unscathed by the fire. The things of God are real!
Amidst the challenges and distractions that lure us away from the Lord, Paul advises, that you and I should cast aside every weight and sin which clings so closely and run with perseverance the race that is set before us looking to Jesus the Pioneer and perfecter of our faith.
Jesus is the answer to the quiz that gains your entrance into heaven. He endured the cross and scorned the shame to be at the right hand of the throne of God. He endured opposition from sinful men, just to ensure that you do not grow weary and lose heart(Heb. 12:1-3).
In a nutshell, “fix your eyes on Jesus! He alone is the solution provider to they that believe!
Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, you are all that I have. Holy Spirit enable me to set my mind on heavenly goals as I fix my eyes on Jesus Christ! Amen!
Have a blessed weekend! Peace be with you!
“Available For Refining And Purification!”
“Available For Refining And Purification!”(Mic.3:1-4).Yesterday may be gone, but the future we often long for is a longing for the past. The future restoration we