“God Has A Better Plan For You!”
A typical African prayer is “God, through our ancestors give us prosperity and give us offspring.” Prosperity without offspring to enjoy it is meaningless. The ancestors are remembered only through their bloodlines.
God is not dealing with us in isolation of those before us and those after us. The writer of Hebrews lays emphasis on this when he mentions the exploits and sufferings of the great people of old who lived by faith.
He ends by stating: “These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised, since God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect”(11:32-40).
If they had to wait for us, it means we would have to wait for the next generation too. That is to say faith perfection is cross-generational. God’s promise to Abraham was fulfilled only in his generations after him.
Whatever it is that you are going through or experiencing now, whether good or bad, let your faith remain unwavering because God has a better plan for you always which is to be fulfilled in generations to come. When we build houses and make investments we are indirectly acknowledging that God has the next generation in mind. Let us not allow for them to all perish in blood!
God has planned something better for you! Never be discouraged and never give up when God is leading they way! Jesus Christ has given us victory on the cross! Jesus Christ assures his continual presence through the Holy Spirit! We are never without a friend!
Prayer: Lord, open my eyes of faith to see that no matter the present struggles, you have a better plan for us through our generations to come. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
“Repent Or Perish!”
“Repent Or Perish!”(Jer.26:1-15).Prophet Jeremiah deserves to receive a posthumous accolade for resilience; for standing by the truth of God’s word, and being ready to die