“God Is Faithful And Will Help You To Overcome Temptation!”


“God Is Faithful And Will Help You To Overcome Temptation!”
Speaking in the context of HIV/AIDS, Nelson Mandela said, “Do not laugh at those who have fallen when there’s still slippery road ahead.” You may claim to be living an upright life without blemish. It may not be a mere claim; it can be you are truly an upright person. But this is not an excuse for you to look at those who have stumbled and fallen with disdain. It can happen to you tomorrow. You never can tell the twists and turns of life that may eventually become your demise. Unless you are dead, don’t think you cannot be trapped in whatever sin another person is a victim of today.
Paul warns, “if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you do not fall…” There is always the possibility for a righteous man to turn from his righteousness and become evil, in which case God will put a stumbling block before him; whereas an evil man who listens to God’s rebuke and turn from evil to righteousness will be pardoned(Ez. 3:16ff).
Nothing is new; not even temptation. So Paul continues, “No temptation has seized you except what is common to man.” If others resisted and overcame, it means you too can resist and overcome!
Assuringly, “God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it”(I Cor. 10:12-13).
My friend, temptations are bound to come to you. Pray for the Holy Spirit to administer to you to be able to overcome! And since ignorance is no excuse before the law, where and when, known or unknown you do fall into temptation, do not hesitate to approach the throne of grace with confidence so as to receive mercy and grace! God says “My grace is sufficient for you!”
Prayer: Heavenly Father, when temptation come my way, provide a way for me so that I can stand up under it. Amen!
Have a blessed weekend! Peace be with you!



“Love Truth And Peace!”

“Love Truth And Peace!”(Zec.8:18-23).We have already started counting the days of the new year. The body of Christ may have joined in the celebration of

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