“God Saw That It Was Very Good And It Is Still Very Good!”


“God Saw That It Was Very Good And It Is Still Very Good!”
The creation story begins with God creating the world out of nothing on the first day. On the same day he ordered for light and separated light from darkness.
On the sixth day “…God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him, male and female he created them…God saw all that he had made and it was very good…” Gen. 1:1-5, 26-27&31.
Two things we are inspired to reflect upon today from the text. Old Testament (OT) scholars will tell you that the story of the creation of human beings in 1:26-27 is a different story from the one of 2:21ff where the woman is a rib of the man.
There has been some theological debates on this but we leave it to OT scholars. They are the specialists!
St Augustine once said, “Woman without man is not created in the image of God whereas man is.” Having just celebrated “Mother’s Day,” we can start arguing all over that Augustine’s statement is the peak of male chauvinism! Besides, Augustine was only considering the second story and not the first story.
Even with 1:26, does “…male and female he created them,” mean they were hermophrodites? There are always many questions of “faith seeking understanding.” Nevertheless, we operate from the wave length of faith! Faith accepts what reason can never explain! To this end, St Thomas Aquinas said, “I believe because it is absurd.”
On this last day of creation, “God saw all that he had made and it was very good…” Has it suddenly changed? Is it mere perception that cause us to see it opposed to “very good?” No!
It is the result of the fall in chapter three when Adam and Eve prefered to listen to the voice of a stranger! As a result sin and death has created chaos where there was once order!
That is the reason Jesus came, suffered, died and rose again to redeem a fallen world. This was to fulfil God’s love. God still wants to see all that he has made to be “very good” as it was in the beginning!
In Christ old things are made new so that they should remain “very good” as when they were first created. My friend, make the world a better place by making yourself a good person!
Prayer: Father God, thank you for Jesus Christ who has redeemed and made me what you want me to be. Amen!
Welcome back to work and have a blessed day and week! Peace be with you!



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