“God’s Angels Will Attend To You!”


“God’s Angels Will Attend To You!”
Mark’s gospel is believed to be the first of the gospels to have been written. As such he is a source material for the other gospels. Mark is always very precise and apt in his stories about Jesus. In just two verses he tells us about the temptation of Jesus. When Jesus came out of the Jordan after his baptism, “At once the Spirit sent him out into the desert, and he was in the desert for forty days, being tempted by Satan. He was with the wild animals, and the angels attended him”(1:12-13).
In Mark the baptism and temptation of Jesus is a single unit. This is to say the moment you get closer to God is also the moment when Satan is given the opportunity to try his power and authority over you.
Someone has said it somewhat rightly too that “God and Satan have chosen to fight and man’s soul is the battleground.”
Jesus was in the desert under the direct guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus was in the desert for forty days. Mark does not tell us what the temptations were, or whether he ate or not. But we are told that “angels attended him.” Whatever the case, he came out victorious and strengthened.
A few lessons we gather here are that when you are drawing closer to God, God through his Spirit allows you in the hands of Satan to wreck havoc on you. If you stay close to God, no matter the stakes against you, God will send his angels to administer to you!
Satan may not be a physical being who stands before you to tempt you; he is the battle within you! The urge within you that wants to go contrary to the silent unimpulsive voice of God’s Spirit who suggests always what is right and what is wrong!
My friend, you may be faced with a desert of troubles, you may be surrounded by humans who are worst than ferocious wild animals, stay focused on the cross! God’s angels are there to attend to you! “The devil is a liar!”
Find time to be in solitude so that God can speak with you! Find time to be in solitude so that Satan can tempt you! Be resilient because you are an overcomer!
You are covered by the blood of Jesus who overcame Satan and became the Christ! Through him you too are an overcomer!
Prayer: Holy Spirit be my guide in moments of my temptation. God send your angels to attend to me when I’m helpless in the midst of wild animals! Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!



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