“Have Confidence In Jesus Christ The Good Shepherd…!
This week is no doubt about the shepherds and the sheep. God vents his frustrations on bad shepherds who feed fat on the flock but have failed to “strengthen the weak or healed the sick or bound up the injured,” neither have they “brought back the strays or searched for the lost sheep.”
But what about the sheep themselves? Are they better off than the bad shepherds? Between one sheep and the other, some, after feeding, trample the rest of the pasture and after drinking clear water muddy the water with their feet. God says he himself “will judge between the fat sheep and the lean sheep…”
In a world where survival of the fittest is hailed, and where the fittest actually refer to the strongest, the voiceless are drowned in the maze while fighting over leftover crumbs. There are many innocent victims languishing in prisons, on framed-up charges so that the big criminals can continue enjoying their stolen wealth unidentified! There are many who have lost their jobs for petit thefts as a cover up of the looting of the bigwigs!
The cherished African heritage of communal solidarity is fast giving way to the new slogan of “man for himself, God for us all!”
This culture of individualism is a far cry from that inherited Christian socialism of Acts where it was from each according to his means and to each according to his felt needs!
God does not only indict bad shepherding, but the strong sheep that care less for the weaklings.
In this kind of situation of survival of the fittest there is bound to be chaos! There can be no peace without just rights to all!
No doubt God declares, “I will make a covenant of peace with them and rid the land of wild beasts…They will know that I am the Lord, when I broke the bars of their yoke and rescue them from the hands of those who enslaved them…They will know that I, the Lord their God am with them and that…they are my people…”(Ez. 34:17-30).
Yes my people, God does not abandon his people in the hands of the oppressors for ever! Cheer up because he himself has taken over and is your shepherd!
Smile and ignore the injustices of bad shepherds and strong sheep!
Look up to Jesus who is the good Shepherd of your life! In him there is abundant life!
Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, because you are my good shepherd I ignore the injustices of bad shepherds and incontinencies of strong sheep. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
“The Lord Will Protect You!”
“The Lord Will Protect You!”(Acts 22:30-23:11).Paul was brought before the Sanhedrin – the highest tribunal of the Jews. His detractors had stirred other Jews against