“Holy Spirit, Be My Strength, Guard And Guide!”


“Holy Spirit Be My Strength, Guard And Guide!”
Zerubbabel and Joshua were leading figures among the main party which returned from exile in 587BC and laid the foundations for the temple (Ezra 3). In this work of rebuilding they faced mountains of opposition from detractors (Ezra 5). This mountain of opposition probably retarded progress in the work until it was resumed in 520BC, still with Zerubbabel and Joshua in the lead.
In a series of visions Zechariah encouraged Zerubbabel and Joshua to go on with the work because the mountain of opposition will be removed.
The work was not by mere human effort. What is done by human effort can bow to stiff human opposition, but if it is by the Spirit of God the work will surely be carried out to completion.
Hear the reassuring words of the Lord to Zerubbabel: “‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty”(Zec.4:1-14).
My friend, God has not promised you a life of smoothsailing or easy rides. In whatever you do, you are bound to face difficulties, obstacles and oppositions. When this happens, do not be despaired. Rather lay your weakness and incompleteness before God so that his strength can be revealed in your weakness!
The Lord Jesus Christ assured you that he will be with you to the end of the age. When things get rough just remember these words of the Lord: “Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit!” Those who despise the day of small things will rejoice when you rise above the waves through the strong arms of the Lord!
Prayer: Lord I submit my might and power to your Spirit. Holy Spirit be my strength, guard and guide. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!



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