“I Am With You And Will Rescue You!”


“”I Am With You And Will Rescue You!”
God told Jeremiah to get ready to go tell the people of their idolatory. “…stand up and say to them whatever I command you…stand against the kings of Judah, its officials, its priests and the people of the land.”
Jeremiah’s assignment is that kind of assignment which piths you against almost everybody. He had to stand alone! However, God assured him, “they will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you and will rescue you”(1:9-19).
Like Jeremiah we have an assignment to speak out against the idolatory of today which has plunged us into this mess! We must speak out without being terrified! Our people are dieing, our people are languishing in jails as prisoners without crimes, our villages are destroyed, hundreds of thousands of our people are internally displaced and tens of thousands are refugees. They are living in horrid conditions and disease has started taking its toll on them. We are all living in fear of the unknown, intimidating calls from scammers. Kidnappings and requesting for ransom has become the new way of making money! While we clamour rightfully for schools’ resumption, our streets are filled with military vans running up and down with dangerous guns ready to go off at the least suspicious move from a helpless and innocent population! How can our children dare walk the streets in this kind of militarized setting?
You and I are called to speak out against the idolatory that has led us to this impasse!
Let us seek the face of God now! Speak out against these evil without fear! Our confidence is in God who is our stronghold! He is not going to abandon us if each one of us spoke to just two or three persons to seek God so that he can make his face shine upon us always!
Prayer: Lord thank you for the assurance that my adversaries will not overcome me because you are with me and will rescue me. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!



“Enjoy The Bridegroom!”

“Enjoy The Bridegroom!”(Luke 5:33-35).They said to him, “John’s disciples often fast and pray, and so do the disciples of the Pharisees, but yours go on

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“Loving God!”

“Loving God!”(Zec.8:14-19).At Christmas, we say, “Christ is the reason for the season.” In the same way we can say of Lent that “sin is the

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