“In Your Distress The Lord Says, ‘Take Courage…!'”
For the sake of the faith Paul was arrested and brought before the Sanhedrin. During the postexilic times, the Sanhedrin was the supreme council and tribunal of the Jews. It was headed by a High Priest and had religious, civil, and criminal jurisdiction.
Its membership was mostly the Pharisees and the Sadducees. These two major religious groups were diametrically opposed to each other in their religious beliefs. The Pharisees believed in the resurrection and the existence of angels and spirits. But the Sadducees did not believe in any of the above.
The Holy Spirit inspired Paul to use the doctrinal differences of the two groups to his advantage. It was enough for him to merely state that he was a Pharisee and the Son of a Pharisee.
When he said this, “there was a great uproar, and some of the teachers of the law who were Pharisees stood up and argued vigorously…” in his favour. The commander was forced to save Paul’s life by taking “him away from them by force and bring him into the barracks.”
The heart of the message today is that on the “following night the Lord stood near Paul and said, ‘Take courage! As you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so you must also testify in Rome ‘”(Acts 22:30-23:11).
My friend, you may find yourself in a tight corner and your accusers may think that your end has come! Don’t give up, the Holy Spirit will inspire you to cause confusion in their rank and file!
Most importantly, the Lord will always keep you safe until you accomplish the mission he has assigned you to!
In the face of adversities the Lord is by you saying, “Take Courage! The mission is not yet ended!
Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, even when I am confined and constrained, I know you will keep me safe till your will is done. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
“A Fast Acceptable To The LORD!”
“A Fast Acceptable To The LORD!”(Is.58:1-9a).“God, where are you?” is a question we have heard and read so much concerning gruesome killings amidst kidnappings for