“Jesus Assures You: ‘Don’t Be Afraid; Just Believe!'”
Fear is one of the strongest weapons of the devil! Many people have lost great opportunities because they could not overpower their fears! Jesus accepted the humble plea of Jarius to come put his hands on her twelve- year old daughter who was dying, so that she will be healed and live. Jesus was delayed on the way because the woman who had suffered an issue of blood for twelve years had touched his cloak to receive healing. Jesus wanted to know her face to face and confirm her healing with a blessing.
He was still speaking when some men came to Jarius to tell him not to bother Jesus anymore because his daughter was already dead.
“Ignoring what they said, Jesus told” him, “Don’t be afraid, just believe.”
While in the man’s home “Jesus “saw a commotion, with people crying and wailing loudly.” Jesus wondered why they were crying when the child was only sleeping. “But they laughed at him.”
Jesus finally asked the little girl to rise, and she immediately stood up and walked(Mk.5:35-44).
My friend, what we are inspired to get out of this story today is that when you ask from Jesus in all humility and with firm conviction, Jesus will do it for you. There may be some delay because Jesus has to address some other people’s issues on the way. Always remember that delayance is not denial! There may be distractions from well-intentioned people who think the matter has gone beyond bothering Jesus. And there will be those who laugh at Jesus thinking he is just clowning.
One truth that cannot be altered is that Jesus will do it for you! He is telling you even now, “Don’t be afraid; just believe!”
Prayer: Thank you Lord Jesus. I believe and I am not afraid. I know you will do it as you have willed. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
“Face Your Trials But Shun Temptations!”
“Face Your Trials But Shun Temptations!”(Jam.1:12-18).“Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of