“Jesus Christ Is Never Late; He Comes Just On Time!”


“Jesus Christ Is Never Late; He Comes Just On Time!”
Hebrew explains faith as “being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see”(11:1). This entails the excercise of patience.
God has set the time for everything. What does not come to you does not belong to you. If it belongs to you, nothing can stop it. Being patient about God’s time does not mean all God’s plans are futuristic. Some times it is just the day after today. That is why you must trust in the Lord always.
As has been said, many are the soldiers who on the eve of victory sat down to rest, and while resting they perished!
God is never late. He apprears on the scene only at the appropriate moment.
In biblical Greek there are two dimensions of time. “Chronos” is chronological or sequential time where time is measured by the clock, day, week and month etc. Then there is “Kairos” time which signifies the aprropriate or opportune time. Kairos is God’s time. For God, things happen at the opportune or right time. “When the right time came…”
When Jesus came to the home of his late friend Lazarus, Martha, reasoning in chronos time told Jesus, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died…” She however still trusted in Jesus by adding, “But I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask.”
And truly Jesus gave! Lazarus was temporary brought back to life!
My friend, what is necessary today is that when one of us is in trouble we should be there to give them comfort. Comfort soothes the pain of loss and grief. Jesus went to comfort Martha and Mary just like the many Jews who were already there to comfort them for the loss of their brother(Jn.11:1&3-4&17-27). God our Father is the model of compassion and comfort who comforts us in all our troubles so that we should comfort others(II Cor.1:3-7).
Our God is a compassionate God who when we are attacked and mocked by our adversaries comforts and helps us(Ps.86:12-17)!
Therefore, never despair in any seemingly bad situation. Trust in the Lord. He is never late; he is always on time!
Sunday prayer: Lord, let me wait patiently on you because you are always on time. Amen!
Have a blessed Sunday! Peace be with you!



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