“Keep The Covenant!”(Jer. 11:1-13).
Yesterday we reflected on the jealousy of our God – which is the possessiveness of what he cherishes.
Just like in the days of Judah of old, through prophet Jeremiah God is reminding us of the terms of the covenant. “Obey me and do everything I command you, and you will be my people. Then I will fulfil the oath I swore to your fathers, to give them a land flowing with milk and honey…”
On the other hand, “Curse is the man who does not obey the terms of the covenant…”
Unfortunately, just like Judah of old we have mounted a conspiracy to “follow other gods and serve them…” having as many gods as we have towns, setting up altars and burning incense to shameful Baal.”
Jeremiah spoke the above words to Judah, but it fell on deaf ears. Then the disaster of the Babylonian exile happened.
We are never wise to gather some useful lessons from history; particularly the history of Israel and their relationship with their God – who is our God too. When we obey God things go well with us, but when we disobey him calamity becomes our bedfellow.
Therefore, choose obedience and milk and honey will flow for you.
Obey the covenant to escape God’s curse. Salvation to eternity and also the demonstrable Salvation of daily living comes through believing and obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ through whom God has assured us what he has lined up for us.
Prayer: Holy Spirit lead me daily on the path of obedience to thecLORD through Jesus Christ. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.
“Face Your Trials But Shun Temptations!”
“Face Your Trials But Shun Temptations!”(Jam.1:12-18).“Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of