“Learn To Always Say, ‘Thank You Lord, Thank You Friend!'”


“Learn To Always Say, ‘Thank You Lord, Thank You Friend!'”
Any propagator of the gospel must first experience its impact to be able to impact others. There is a great virtue which has been taken for granted but which is important to communal wellbeing.
It is expressed commonly in the show of gratitude and appreciation for favours received from others! It does not need material gifts and is very economical in words! Its best and briefest expression is in the expression, “Thank you!”
Between Samaria and Galilee Jesus met ten lepers who cried our in a loud voice, “Jesus, Master, have pity on us!” Jesus asked them to go show themselves to the priest as the law of Moses required. “And as they went, they were cleansed”, but only one of them saw the works of God in his life. So he came back, “praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him.”
He was not even a Jew; he was a Samaritan, the people despised by the Jews of noble birth! What irony! A good heart is not about noble birth! A good heart is from a humble spirit!
Jesus wondered why out of ten who were healed, only one foriegner returned to give praise to God.
Thanksgiving for favours received has its reward. The ten were cleansed, but something was still lacking. The man who came back and gave thanks received something extra. Jesus told him, “Rise and go; your faith has made you well”(Lk.17:11-19).
My friend, no matter how much you have received from the Lord, never forget to give thanks. In the same way always remember to thank those who have been good to you for that is a motivation for them to do more to you and for you!
Prayer: Holy Spirit help me to always give thanks to God and to others for favours received. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!



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